
The information available on our website is collected from several sources of the internet and we don’t guarantee the 100% accuracy of the information and data available on our website. We are a third party agency to collect the information from the data available on the internet and provided for the visitors of our website. We don’t represent any company or brand so you should check correction in the available information before using it individually.

If you are going to use services at our website, you are agreed to the terms, conditions, and policy of the website. If any of the visitors have any objection regarding the policies of our side, they can discontinue the use of our services.

We just work to help the visitors of our website who are looking for any contact details regarding the customer care services of the top companies. You should understand that it is not possible to collect the information of every single company or brand at the global level. If you are unable to find the contact details of any company on our website, you can contact us for any recommendation or feedback. We don’t offer all kinds of contact information on every company to use our services as per its availability.