
Is it Safe to Fly

So, what’s about all the fuss? COVID-19 has become the new stress around the world. This new stress is fueling misinformation, speculations, and general unease. This pandemic situation is getting worse and worse, and people are getting more scared. When it comes to spreading of the novel coronavirus, the airline industry gets the worst rap. There are lots of questions that are triggering everyone’s mind, like is it safe to fly, what safety measures are the airlines taking, etc. To help you make a clear decision about flying during the COVID-19 outbreak, we have compiled a list of general tips that would make your journey safe and secure. These tips will surely help you in taking safe flight.

Tips to have a safe flight during coronavirus

  • Improve your immunity

Immunity plays a vital role in tackling this coronavirus. According to some surveys, people with strong immunity only have mild symptoms that are not harmful. To improve your immune system, you have to make sure that you are practicing good hygiene. Try to include Vitamin C and Vitamin E in your food.

  • Don’t travel if you are not well

COVID-19 has an incubation period of 14 days. If you are having symptoms of coronavirus, like cough, cold, or fever, then don’t fly. To ensure the safe flight, every airport is conducting temperature checks for departing, arriving, and transiting passengers. Even if you have a mild fever, you will be denied boarding. So, protect yourself and others by not travelling when you are sick. 

  • Keep washing your hands on a regular basis

Washing hands regularly with water and soap is the best caution and defense against novel coronavirus. You have to do this for 20 seconds, according to experts. If water and the soap are not available owing to any reason, then use the hand sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol. Hand sanitizer can irritate your skin, so always prefer washing hands with soap and water.

  • Carry antibacterial wipes

If you are thinking, is it safe to fly in the current situation, then the answer is yes. With the safety measures, you can fly without any hassle. Though most airlines are conducting the extra plane cleaning, passengers must carry any antibacterial wipes to clean the seat-back pocket, tray table, seat armrest, window blind, headrest, seat touch screen, and air vent. Clean other items also that are used frequently by travellers such as remote control of hotels, holding handrails, etc. 

  • Cover up

Cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze or cough. Always wear a facemask to protect the travellers with you. Coronavirus spreads through droplets of mucus or saliva when others come in contact with these droplets. So, avoid touching your mouth, nose, and eyes with unwashed hands as these are the entry points of the virus. If you are feeling sick at work, go home as early as possible. If you want to know how safe is flying, then go through this information very carefully. 

  • Opt for upgrade

If possible, upgrade to first or business class. You will have extra personal space in these travel classes, and there will be potentially less contact with other travellers.

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Experts say that you can come in contact with infected people within 6 feet of distance for 10 minutes or more. WHO says that you can contact with an infected person if you have seating within two rows to one another. Keep in mind that travellers walk around, touch many surfaces, and go to the bathroom. Take all the safety measures needed, and have a safe flight.

  • Keep important medicines with you

As everyone knows, there is no vaccine for coronavirus, but keep all other vital medicines up-to-date to prevent your immune system and to stay healthy. Don’t forget to bring these medicine for fever, cough, and cold with you on the flight.

  • Choose the right seat

Almost every aircraft have HEPA filters that are High-Efficiency Particle Arrester. This helps to eliminate 99.999% of airborne combinations like bacteria & viruses and dust particles. It gives the highest possible quality of cabin air, but you should still prefer to choose the window seat. This seat offers a bit more protection as it is located away from traveller foot traffic.

All these are the basic tips that you must keep in mind if you are planning to fly during this pandemic situation. I hope now you know whether is it safe to fly or not. 

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