
Welcome to our website. If you are going to use our services or browsing our website for any information, you are agreed to all the terms and conditions of our company. We recommend reading all the terms and conditions carefully before using our services for all the visitors. In these terms and conditions, you will find information regarding your rights and the restrictions for the visitors to use our services. If you do not agree with our terms and conditions, you can discontinue using the services of our website immediately. We have the rights to make any kind of changes in our terms and conditions without any prior notification to the visitors. It will be your responsibility to check the page of terms and conditions regularly to know about the modifications and changes. It is the platform to provide the information and data to the visitors regarding the customer service details of the companies. We collect all the information and data from several Sources of the Internet and provided for the visitors of our website.
Our website is designed in a way that the customers can use it to search for the customer care numbers, email, social media information and address of the companies. If you are going to use our services, you are bound to use it as per our policies.

Availability of information:

At this website, we have listed lots of companies from several industries and countries with the information regarding their contact details. However, you may not find the details about any specific organization or company. There is only limited availability of the data about the companies and organisations. There is no guarantee of 100% correction and accuracy of the information available on our website. We try our best to provide accurate information but we gather it from several Sources of the Internet and there may be any changes in the contact details or information of any company without any notice. Make sure to get the data and use it on your responsibility about the accuracy.

Third party sites:

On our website, you may find links for third party service providers and websites. If you are redirected to the website of any third party company from any link, we will not be responsible regarding the available information on third party websites. It will be the responsibility of the user to check the terms and conditions to use the third party websites.
We also have a list of the contact details, email address and websites of companies so you should check the policies and terms of all these third-party companies and organizations before using the products and services.

Copyright and trademark:

responsible regarding the available information on third party websites. It will be the responsibility of the user to check the terms and conditions to use the third party websites. We also have a list of the contact details, email address and websites of companies so you should check the policies and terms of all these third-party companies and organizations before using the products and services.